Russell Court website – Instructions


To register for the Russell Court website, go to (this is a publicly-available page). Click on the word “REGISTER”, which is just below the “Login” button.

You will first be asked to read to the website’s terms and conditions

  • Username : You can use capital and lower case letters and spaces, must be between 3 and 20 characters.
  • E-mail address: notifications from the site will be sent to this address.
  • Password: this must be between 6 and 100 characters.
  • Flat number.
  • Name (flat number and name are required in order enable the site administrator to check that you live in Russell Court, and whether you are an owner or a tenant).
  • You must tick the  “I agree to the terms and conditions” tickbox before you can press the submit button.

When you have done all of this, click the “Submit” button at the bottom. You will get an automated e-mail response to confirm that you have applied. Within the next couple of days, you will get another e-mail to confirm that your account has been activated. (This delay is because we just need to check that you live here. Note that it can take longer if you have only very recently moved into Russell Court.)

2. Using the site

Once you have received that second e-mail, you can go back to and log in.

Enter your username and password in the boxes above the orange “Login” button, and click the button to log in. Then wait a few seconds while the system takes you back to a page that looks just like the one you came from, with a picture of the curved part of the building and one of Entrance A, except that now it will show on the right hand side that you are logged in. At any stage while you are using the website, you can get back to this page by clicking “Home” near the top left of the page.

(If you want your computer to store your username and password, you can click on the “Remember me” box before you click the “Login” button, but whether this works may depend on your browser settings. Alternatively some browsers will give you a pop-up box when you click “Login”, offering to remember your details. There is also a tick box ‘Log me on automatically each visit’. Please do not use any of these facilities if you share your computer with others – for example, at work.)

When you have finished your session, go back to the home page by clicking “Home”, then click “Logout” about half way down the right hand side of the page. Alternatively you can logout out on forum pages by selecting the “Logout [username]” tab.

2.1 Forums

The company no longer runs its own forums. All announcements and communications are made via our managing agent’s mailing/email lists. It is important you keep your communication details and preferences up-to-date with the managing agent. You can do this by emailing them at .

2.2 Other pages

You can get to the other pages  e.g. Contacts, Documents and Residents’ Association – by clicking on these words at the top of the page.

If you are aware of any additional documents which would be useful to include on the Documents pages, please email the website administrator on