Russell Court Website Registration

Website registration is open to both tenants and shareholders (although parts of the website relating to company matters may be only accessible to shareholders).

By registering and using our website you must tick the box on the registration form confirming your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions .

Please note that to protect the security and integrity of our website, all registrations are verified against the resident database held by Russell Court (Bloomsbury) Management Limited and its managing agents. Although we aim to approve new registrations as quickly as possible, this may take up to 7 days (particularly if you are a new resident). You will receive an email once your registration has been approved.

If you experience any problems registering, please email or contact the building manager, who will be happy to assist.

Please note that the website is run on a voluntary and unpaid basis by shareholders. We welcome feedback and ideas for developing our website further (please email ).


Please note that to protect the security and integrity of our website, registrations without a valid full name and flat number will not be accepted.
If you would like to receive email updates on all the latest Russell Court news and information, please tick the box above. Our mailing lists are only used for announcements from Russell Court (Bloomsbury) Management, our building manager or managing agents. We will never use our mailing lists for any other purpose , and your email address will never be shared with any other 3rd party without your permission. Please click here for more information on our mailing lists.